Christmas Is Awesome!

Sunday, 26 December 2010

I like to post this in places around Christmas time;
It's my favourite Christmas song:

A slightly belated Merry Christmas to you all!
I hope it was awesome. Xx

Human Wrongs, Human Rights

Sunday, 19 December 2010

A month or so back, I was doing a project on human rights.
We had to illustrate one of 8 selected articles from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
& I chose...

Article 18:

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with oth- ers and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

So this was my response, a drawing.
But to be more accurate, an interactive drawing.

If you look in the mind you can choose a religion, choose a belief:

You can choose from Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism...

...Islam, Christianity & Judaism.

You can even chose from Atheism and Agnosticism.
Ok they're not actually defined as religions, but you know they kinda count.

This is part 2 of a 3 part project. Over the holiday I'll be working on part 3, and part 1 is in a state of redux, so I thought I may as well put part 2 up, as it's the only bit that's "finished."

Just a bit of detail:

I just can't seem to let a project die these days. I'm going to re-do this. You see the character in the portrait is a little too stylised for the theme. So soon you'll see the same thing here again, but looking a little more generic. In a good way I think. If I'm lucky, in that future post, you'll enjoy a diptych.

Fresh Kristmas Air

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

In-jokes for the win.

For all those I have alienated with this post,
I hope you've at the very least enjoyed these images.

Innova Libre

Saturday, 4 December 2010

You know, I never mentioned, while I had my Hidden Histories project,
I had an additional film project to get on with:

I present to you Innova Libre, featuring my wonderful comrades
Lillian Squires & Agostino Carrea.

It's a short film I created for a brief called 'My Eye, My Vision'. It deals with my vision of where character ideas stem from, and how they choose to manifest in your mind:

Did the boy look familiar at all?
& don't worry, it's not meant to be serious.

Despite choosing to specialise in illustration,
I do still very much love moving image.
Experimenting with some simple yet effective shots throughout the filming process
reminded me of this


My tutors said it was a very ambitious projects, as I was directing, filming and getting actors together. I got a feeling one of them wasn't too much a fan of some snippets of acting, but they were impressed on a whole... I think.

According to my friends & peers, I've come up with something cool.
But personally, I feel I missed the mark with this one, with a bunch of tweaks, and a few re-shoots, this could have been something great.

Hey, it's my first live-action film. I think I've done ok.

Oh, see what I had to put up with filming this!:

Just a thought, is it worrying that the outtakes are longer than the actual film?...


EDIT - The answer to that was yes, so years later for the sake of all our eyes and ears I took the videos down! No need to thank me!