Near Killer

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Hai thar gauise

As I expressed a few posts ago, I finished all my markable work for my degree.
Man, building up that portfolio was stressful, but hey, it was a mere taster of the rest of my life.

On the road to hand in I was taking work in progress pictures with my phone and tweeting it every other day. It was my way of forcing myself to do work, as in "if I have new stuff to tweet, I've done a substantial amount of work." Sounds a little silly, but I think it worked.

Just over half of the above made it onto twitter,
the rest of the images remained on my phone.

This in a way is a sneak-peek at some of what you'll see from me in my degree show in June.
I'll post the details super soon, hopefully you'll enjoy it.


Now, because I mentioned twitter,
a shameless plugin for my twitter.
Simply, follow me if you like what you see:


Oh, and if you ever need calming down, like I do these days:

D&AD: Little White Lies

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Back in March I entered the D&AD Student Awards Illustration brief.
This year it was Little White Lies, and the task was straightforward - illustrate a Little White Lies cover based on one of their 5 favourite films of 2011.

I chose Black Swan.

'Black Swan' [Acrylics, Inks & Pencil on HeavyWeight Paper]

The image represents Natalie Portman's character Nina's transformation from the White Swan to the Black Swan, showing how the Black Swan was always within her, and the shattering of her face matching the shattering of her psyche.

Ok, and here's on super-dynamic photo of the cover
on an actual little white lies magazine, pages and everything:

Unfortunately my submission was unsuccessful. Looking back at the painting, I can see some things that probably didn't work in my favour, mainly the sidelining of the lettering, oh well.

I remember, I saw one of the eventual Black Swan winners on the internet before I even started this painting, and it's amazing I managed to convince myself to still take part after seeing it.
If you see it you'll know what I'm talking about.

Birdy, Birdie & Al

Monday, 28 May 2012

Back in January I designed a book cover for William Wharton's 'Birdy'
as part of a live brief set up by HarperCollins.

This is my final design.
This went through a lot of changes, way after the brief was over, and it's way better for it.

If you read the book, this cover shall hopefully make some sense.
It's somewhat literal, yet somewhat metaphorical.

The Work In Progress

Friday, 25 May 2012

This is an image I created as part of my proposal for the identity of the Work In Progress show we had a couple of months ago. It's meant to kinda symbolise how us illustrators were putting the core of our work together, the cores of our own worlds you see. But you know, we can have fun doing it too, hence the Tetris like pieces forming the cosmic egg.

In the end my friend Clara's proposal won in the end.
Clara's was way better.

But hey the image still ended up in the show, so it wasn't for nothing!


So, my works now been handed in for my final assessment.
For those of you who don't know, that means I've now done all my work for this degree.


Technically everything.

In a little over a month I'll be completely done with education.
That puts me in a rather nervous disposition.