Birthday Wishes: Kate 2

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

My friend Kate's birthday came & went on the 24th.
It was the landmark. You know. 21. XXI.

One of my presents to her, was a zine, about her and her celebratory ways.
She appreciated it. I think, or more, I hope! You can read it here:

Now this zine appears to have a normal layout, but that's because you read the digital version. The real thing differs a bit:

It's a fold out zine, after each page you get more of the story (well guide really), whilst leaving certain aspects viewable.

The contents of zine, are clearly 100% true, why would you think otherwise.

Kate, if you read this, I forgot to say.
Stay Gangsta.

Aleksander Vindenes Dahl

Monday, 6 September 2010

A few of months ago my friend Aleks passed away.

Today is his birthday, he would've turned 20.

Aleks, we miss you.

We really miss you.